RealTime Health: Your trusted source of patient and carer experiences.

This information is a guide only and should not be relied on as a substitute for professional medical advice.


Q: Why is some of the content locked?

To view all of the content, you need to purchase a subscription


Q: What if I'm having trouble playing the videos?

Video clips on the site require Adobe Flash 8 or higher to play. If Flash 8 or higher is installed correctly you should see the RealTime Health animated logo playing in the video pane on our home page. To check which version of the Adobe Flash Player is installed in your web browser visit this page at the Adobe web site. Visit the Adobe site in order to install or update Adobe Flash Player if necessary.

If you have technical questions or feedback regarding the site and content please contact us .

If you notice any irregularities on the site, please let us know.


Q: How do I access RealTime Health content?

Personal Viewing Options

RealTime Health programs are available as DVDs that can be purchased from the RealTime Health Online Store or by annual subscription to our full library. Some of our titles are also available as mobile and web apps.

Professional Subscription Options for Healthcare, Education or Corporate Customers:

RealTime Health programs are available on DVD for professional use and can be purchased from the RealTime Health Online Store or by annual subscription to our full library.

We also offer licensing options which provide a customized experience for your viewers:


Q: What is the difference between a personal use and a professional use DVD?

Personal use means the use of the DVD in a private home for personal viewing.

Professional use means the use of the DVD in a professional environment or for lending purposes (eg. library, office, Doctor's office, workplace or as a reference as part of consultative procedure, counselling, or educational setting).


Q: What is patient narrative communication?

Narrative communication is an evidence-based practice which complements medical information by using first-hand stories from patients and caregivers to deliver compelling and persuasive health promotion messages. RealTime Health films interviews of patients and caregivers with many different illnesses and conditions and uses them to create condition-specific video health resources that are used for peer support, patient education, and the training of health professionals.

You can get more detailed information on patient narrative, and its impact on self-care behaviors, from this article by RealTime Health Founder, Tina Campbell or from this video featuring RealTime Health Founder, Tina Campbell.


Q: How does patient narrative communication help patients/general public?

Patient narrative is essentially storytelling, which is in our DNA. It's a comfortable and familiar way for people to connect and share information, especially information that might otherwise be difficult to grasp. Watching the personal experiences of others with a similar condition proves to patients and caregivers that they are not alone, that they can overcome the challenges that a chronic condition presents and that it is possible to successfully manage all aspects of the condition on a day to day basis and live a healthy life. These stories increase a patient's confidence and motivation to manage their own condition, and a caregiver or family member's willingness and ability to provide support. In turn, this leads to reduced stigma, fewer complications, fewer doctor and ER visits, lower healthcare costs and improved outcomes.


Q: How does patient narrative communication help health professionals?

These days, healthcare is about engaging patients and their families, sharing decision-making, supporting their self-management, and working together in order to make the most of our healthcare resources. Our "Speaking from Experience" series enables health professionals to better understand what it is really like to live with a chronic condition on a real-life, everyday basis and to elicit the same type of rich insights from their own patients.

Acknowledging and addressing the real-life impacts your patients experience on a daily basis will enhance the working relationship between you, facilitate shared decision-making and enable you to support their self-management - leading to an increase in positive health outcomes, while alleviating your workload.


Q: What type of educational/training programs does RealTime Health have for health professionals?

RealTime Health works with each organization to create training or educational programs based on your needs or curriculum. Educational seminars, workbooks and interactive testing are among the many possibilities for reinforcing patient narrative techniques and messages.


Q: How does RealTime Health keep content up-to-date?

Each RealTime Health program is reviewed by the appropriate peak health organization on a biennial basis to ensure that all information is trustworthy, accurate and appropriate.


Q: How can my organization distribute RealTime Health content?

Depending on the platform on which you would like to distribute content, we have a variety of ways we can deliver our digital content. Please review our Professional Subscription Options above, and contact Audra Laquidara at 415-992-5595 or or fill out this form and someone will be in touch right away.


Q: How can my organization partner with RealTime Health to produce a ‘Speaking from Experience' program?

We are always looking to partner with peak support and health organizations to expand our ‘Speaking from Experience' catalog. If your organization is interested in becoming a production partner, please contact Audra Laquidara at 415-992-5595 or or fill out this form and someone will be in touch right away. 

There is no cost at all involved with being a production partner and includes some great benefits for your organization, which can be found here .


Q: Can RealTime Health provide custom video production?

Yes, RealTime Health producers are experts at creating targeted health promotion or corporate video messages. Please contact Audra Laquidara at 415-992-5595 or or fill out this form and let us know about your organization's video production needs.


Q: Does RealTime Health provide Closed Captions for their videos?

Yes, we are constantly working on creating Closed Captions for each one of our programs.


Q: Can I connect with RealTime Health via social media?

Absolutely. You can connect with us via Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube.



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